
Create grocery list from a list of websites

Primary LanguagePython

Grocery List

This code allows users to input a list of URLS with recipes and outputs a csv file with ingredient type, ingredient name, amount and associated recipe.

More information on the background on this work can be found on my blog post here.


To run this, code, you need to:

  • have installed the latest version of Python
  • be connected to the internet

Using Grocery List on your computer

Download the following files into the same directory

  • grocery.py
  • sr27asc folder (this contains the necessary files to identify the food groups for your ingredients)

Create a txt file with listing a URL with the recipe on each line and save it into the same directory. For example:


In your command prompt:

  • set your working directory to the folder where you have downloaded the grocery.py and sr27asc folder
  • run the the following command python grocery.py '<listofurls.txt>'

For example (on Windows):

C:\Users\plcpi\Google Drive\Personal Projects\Ingredients extractor> python grocery.py 'recipes0908.txt'

A listofurls.csv will then be generated in the same directory.


The ingredient parser in this code uses the open source engine by schollz.