Sprint Boot JWT Authentication Quickstart

A simple Java 17 & Spring Boot application with user sign-up, sign-in, sign-out, JWT session management, and authenticated route support. MySQL, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA are included for basic user database creation and management.


  • POST /api/auth/signup - Quick username/email/password signup.
  • POST /api/auth/signin - User sign-in using username and password that responds with a valid JWT session cookie.
  • POST /api/auth/signout - Deletes the user's JWT session cookie to clear their session.
  • GET /api/users - Returns the details (username, email, and ID) of the currently signed-in user.


  • net.kikorono.backend
    • controllers - Contains all application route controllers.
    • db - Database entities and repositories.
    • dto - Data Transfer Objects, objects that will be sent to and from the client.
    • security - Here there be dragons. Contains the code for the application's security and JSON Web Tokens functionality. In the words of Todd Howard - "It just works." (except it actually does).