# Welcome to Codewell! 👋 Codewell's aim is to provide you with real-world design templates that you can use to practice your HTML and CSS projects. Free or paid, all templates are high quality and will make great portfolio pieces. ### I've completed the challenge, now what? We recommend using one of these two websites to deploy your projects - [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) - [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) They're super easy to setup and you should have your website up and running in no time, just follow their instructions. ### Submit your solution to Codewell Visit the relevant challenge on [Codewell](https://codewell.cc) and click on 'Submit Solution' right under the challenge. Enter all the title, Github repo URL, Live URL (Netlify or GH Pages), and tell the community what challenges you've faced. ### Join our community on Slack If you want more real-time communication, you can visit our community on [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/codewell-hq/shared_invite/zt-ni8c9g8h-gNYWrmqQ3Uh37dcLg9~LMQ). ### Fonts Used https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Inter # Chirp-Landing-Page