To run on your system

Fork this repo and clone it to your system

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.


πŸ’₯ The problem it solves: 
    - Homeschooling Mom Hive gives homeschooling moms a place to interact strictly with other homeschooling moms in a safe place without the distractions and drama of a wide-range social media site. 

The Homeschooling Mom Hive was born out of my own desire to meet with other homeschooling moms across the world without having to go through Facebook to do it. I wanted to avoid the distractions and negativity of social media but still needed to connect with other moms. 

❗❗❗ MVP for first release

- πŸ” Login/Registration with authentication
- β†ͺ️ Reroute to dashboard after logging in
- πŸ‘© The ability to create a profile
- πŸ‘©πŸ‘© The ability to add friends
- πŸ”₯ A dashboard with a social feed from members/friends
- πŸ”₯ CRUD for posts

Projected Time Line:

    - first release: June 15, 2023


- marketplace to buy/sell homeschooling resources
- private routes to allow users to create a personal homeschooling page to share with family members (Without them having access to the site)
- virtual classrooms
- events section for homeschoolers to gather locally 
- organization section of dashboard to allow moms to keep track of attendance, classes, tests, etc in one place
- virtual Moms Night Out