
My first discord.net bot

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Klaus bot made by Doppler#3837

NOTE: the source is outdated and is the old v1.4 and has a little amount of cmds it has now it has lots of bugs

Im releasing the source for free it has some unfinshed cmds like report and and warn But hopefuly someone can help finsh it, i will still work on my version If your going to download and edit it please give original credits like made by: Doppler#3837 and edited by: your username instead of just taking complete credit for it

Version 1.7 - Klaus bot cmds:
!warn (username)(reason) - sends a user a pm and warns them
!kick (username) - kicks a user from the server
!ban (username) (reason) - bans a user from the server
!purge (number) - will delete (number) amount of messages max is 99
!roast (username) - will roast (username) on your discord
!botinfo - will display the bots info
!help - will dm you the list of cmds (this is old need to add the new cmds to the list)
!usercount - Bot will respond with how many users are in the server
!joined (username) - Checks when a user joined the server
!8ball (question) - Will give a random 8ball response
!changelog - Will send a messase showing what chages were made in the new update
!serverinfo - displays info on the discord server
!lockdown - (hours, mins, secs) - will lockdown the discord channel for (hours, mins, secs)
!unban - (username) (reason) - will unban (username) from the server
!mute - (username) (reason) - will add the (username) user to the muted role
!say - (text) - bot will respond with (text)
!ping - will respond with pong! (time it took in ms)
!coinflip - will flip a coin and respond with either heads or tails
Music cmds:
!add - [youtubelink] - will add [youtubelink] to the queue
!play - [songname] - will play [songname] in the voice channel
!quene - will say the current queue
!skip - will skip the current song