A tournament management application
This is a MERN web application that uses MongoDB and Apollo Server to bring in participants of a tournament and to seed the brackets.
- if using SSH, use the following command: git clone git@github.com:KatsuMatsushita/shinpan.git
- if using the GitHub CLI, use the following command: gh repo clone KatsuMatsushita/shinpan
Once copied, run "npm install" to install the client and server dependencies
- On the homepage, click on Login/Sign Up to either log in with a created account, or sign up a new account.
- graphQL queries can be sent to 3001/gql
- the following mutations are currently implemented: addPlayer (which adds a player to a tournament), seedBracket (which seeds a bracket in a tournament from its players)
- Clone the Main branch of the repository from GitHub
- Create a Branch and name it using the format: "feature_contributor"
- Create a pull request
- Send an email to the address listed in the Questions section, containing a summary of the contribution
MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
GitHub name: KatsuMatsushita
To contact me, drop an email to: katsu.matsushita@gmail.com