
A small repository for checking in with your git knowledge


Precourse GIT checkup

  1. Make a fork of this repository https://github.com/appliedtechnology/precourse-git-checkup to your account, for example https://github.com/marcusoftnet/precourse-git-checkup
  2. Clone your forked repository, for example https://github.com/marcusoftnet/precourse-git-checkup, to get it on you local machine
  3. Create a branch called adding-{your name} (adding-marcushammarberg) for example
  4. Add your name at the end of the kilroyDevs.md file
  5. Commit the change to your local repository
  6. Push the change to the remote, the forked repository, for example https://github.com/marcusoftnet/precourse-git-checkup
  7. Create a pull request to this repository https://github.com/appliedtechnology/precourse-git-checkup
  8. Wait for the request to be approved.