The shell project is part of Holberton school curriculum and this custom shell suppose to replicate some of the functionalities of sh
The shell should be compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS this way:
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
This program must have the exact same output as sh as long as the exact same error output.
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Exits with code 0 on "end of file" condition. CTRL + D
. Otherwise the shell will return the exit status of the last command executed, or if the exit builtin is used with a numeric argument, it will return the argument.
Custom functions | Functionality |
* _putchar |
output of chars & strings |
* _strcmp |
compares two strings |
* _putstring |
outputs strings |
* _print_env |
print environment |
* _getline |
delimited string input |
* _strncat |
concatenates two strings |
* _strlen |
calculate the length of a string |
Contains all function prototypes and function structures used for the program:
char *_getenv_PATH(const char *name);
printing the enviroment of variable PATHint execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);
executes functions in child processvoid _putstring(char *str);
prints a string to standard outputunsigned int _strlen(char *str);
finds the length of a string, excluding the null characterint _putchar(char c);
writes a character to standard outputint _strcmp(char *s1, char *s2);
compares two stringschar *_memcpy(char *dest, char *src, unsigned int n);
function that copies memory areachar *_strdup(char *src);
function that allocates space for and creates copy of given stringvoid shell_exit(int status);
exit the shell when user types exit in promptchar **tokenizer(char *line);
tokenizes the environment by chosen delimetersint execute_cmd(char **argv);
function forks child process, if command is executablechar *_strncat(char *dest, char *src, int n);
concatenates two stringsvoid _print_env(void);
prints the environment
- /bin/ls: prints the content of the current directory and prints new prompt right after the command was executed and the result was printed to standard output.
- /bin/pwd: prints the path of the current working directory to stdandard output and prints the prompt right after - ready for a new command to be entered.
- exit: builtin that terminate the shell
Christopher Novelli: github account, twitter
Ekaterina Kalache: github account, twitter
Public, no copyright protection