
this is a library for surveyors

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


survLib is a library for surveyors and people working with DXF files.


  • Use the GitHub clone feature clone to download survLib.
  • simply include the header Surveying_Math.h and the corresponding lib from the x86 or x64 folder.


the advancedLOG is not working in c++20, because std::ofstream operator<< is not defined for std::chrono::time_point in c++20, but is supported in c++latest


getting started

let's quickly read in some DXF files

  • reading in DXF files is multithread supported, if you have 30 files it creates 30 threads
#include <Surveying_Math.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace surv;

int main(){

	std::vector<std::string> File_Names = {"Test0.dxf","Test1.DXF","Test2.Dxf",...};

and print them out in the console

	/* or use */

we can also convert them to points

	Points PS; // std::vector<surv::Point>
	for (auto& elem : DXF.at(0).get_Entities())

or let's say we have some points and we want to calculate the area

  • first we have to store all points clockwise or counterclockwise in a std::vector.
	Point P0(2,6,4);
	/* or with strings */
	Point P1("5","4","2");

	Points myPoints = {P0,P1,...};

	double area = c_area(myPoints);
	return 0;


simple logger

#include <Surveying_Math.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace surv;
using namespace log;

LOG myLog("myLogFile");
myLog << "Warning: here";

// if you want the old log to be cleared every time you start the program, use it like this
LOG myLog("myLogFile", false);
myLog << "Warning: here";

advanced logger

  • we have an "enum class level { DEBUG = 0, INFO, WARN, ERR }" to define what should be logged
  • the file will then display the level, the time and the message
advancedLOG myLog("myLogFile", level::DEBUG);
myLog(level::DEBUG) << "here"; // will be level DEBUG
myLog(level::INFO) << "i am a info :D";
myLog(level::ERR) << "i am an ERROR :/";
  • if the set level of the log is higher than the log that is going in it will not show up in the file
advancedLOG myLog("myLogFile", level::ERR);
myLog(level::WARN) << "test"; // will not show up in the file
myLog(level::ERR) << "error"; // will show up in the file


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
