
Cards is a React app to help learning any subject and memorizing information. Each card includes a question on one side and an answer on the other. You could add your personal cards or could use other user's cards.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Let study together with Cards!

You can practice learning cards on different topics and memorize new words better.

We provide an initialization profile for test, but you can also register in the system yourself.

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When you sign in, you have the opportunity to view the packs of cards for training (by clicking 'Back to pack list'), change your profile (avatar and name). Also, if you can sign in, you will see a positive notification.

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When you see the pack table, you can select one for training and click the icon for training. You can also create a pack yourself by filling it with cards (text or pictures). You can change the theme in the app, search for the right packs by name in the search, filter the packs by the number of cards, change background theme and etc.

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You can also view your pack by clicking on its name. Inside it is a menu for editing and learning. If the pack was created by another user, you cannot edit it, only training.

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The learning logic is implemented so that you receive more often those questions, that you did not know the answers to during the previous passage of the pack with cards.

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Good luck in learning with Cards!