
API based project about mars planet built with vanilla js and fetch api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to run

Install live sass compiler extension => click Watch Sass

Project Description

Users will be able to choose between weather of mars, Mars planet summary and random images on mars taken by rovers.

What is your motivation for creating this project?

I am a super big fan of space and planets and ofcourse aliens since I was a kid. I already had a plan to make a project about space / planets and I found this challenge so I decided to participate.

How will users interact with your web site?

Users will be able to select one of the three options which are temperatures, summary and rover images and the proper details will be displayed on the screen with API requests.

What 3rd Party API(s) will you integrate with?

NASA and Wikipedia api



Tech Stack

No framework No 3rd party JS libraries

Will you try to implement any stretch features?

What will be your process?

I will commit at least 3times a week or everytime after I finished major features of the project.

I will test my website on localhost for myself and ask for reviews in discord servers when the project is finished.

I will deploy my project on netlify.

I will be using Figma to design the whole layout. You can preview the design here https://www.figma.com/file/5YuCfkdbh9NDtu8w3RVijd/ExploreMars?node-id=0%3A1