Indian Community @ Davis (ICD)

Welcome to the Indian Community @ Davis (ICD) project repository. This MERN stack-based application is designed to serve as a comprehensive platform for Indian students at the University of California, Davis. Our goal is to facilitate a seamless transition for students arriving from India and foster a close-knit community through a variety of supportive features.


Project Overview

ICD serves as a bridge between Indian students and the UC Davis community, offering resources and tools to help new students integrate and settle into their new environment. Understanding the challenges of adjusting to a foreign land, ICD is tailored to make the transition as smooth as possible, promoting a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Key Features

  • Events: Stay updated with the latest community events and gatherings.
  • Housing: Find or offer accommodation, connect with potential roommates.
  • Roommate Finder: A dedicated tool to match with compatible roommates.
  • Popular Places: Discover local points of interest, recommended by fellow students.
  • For You: Personalized recommendations to help you navigate life at UC Davis.
  • Senior Connect: Reach out to experienced students for guidance and mentorship.

Project Status

This project is currently in development phase and will soon be deployed for usage. We are working diligently to add new features and refine the platform to ensure it meets the needs of the community.


The Indian Community @ Davis project was initiated by Naresh Kumar Kaushal and Rutuja Abhijit Kale pursuing their Masters in CS at University Of California Davis, driven by a passion to support their peers and unite the Indian student community at UC Davis.

Getting Started

To get started with ICD, follow these steps:

  1. Install react.js, node.js and mongodb

  2. Create a mongodb document named Indian_Davis_Community with users as collection

  3. Clone the repository:
    git clone

  4. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Indian_Davis_Community

  5. Install the required dependencies in both frontend and backend folders:
    npm install

  6. Before starting change the necessary variables in StringConstants.json file according to your system

  7. Start both front-end and back-end on different ports using:
    npm start

  8. Add JWT_TOKEN for login purposes by creating .env file in backend folder and decalring JWT token there
    JWT_TOKEN=<string with 256 random characters>

  9. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:<port number for front-end> to view the application.


We welcome contributions from the community. If you wish to contribute to ICD, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch from QA for your feature (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature).
  5. Open a Pull Request to QA.


Should you need any assistance or encounter issues with the platform, please open an issue here on GitHub,
or reach out to us directly via

  1. Email : Naresh's email, Rutuja's email or
  2. DM us on linkedIn : DM Naresh!, DM Rutuja!


  • Heartfelt thanks to the UC Davis Indian student community for their insights and feedback.
  • Special mention to those who have dedicated their time to contribute to this project.

Final Notes

ICD is more than just a platform; it's a home away from home. We strive to create an environment where every Indian student can find guidance, companionship, and a sense of community. Together, let's make the American dream a reality for every newcomer.