
A Landing page for a a creative design agency

Primary LanguageCSS

NeoDigital - Creative Digital Agency

NeoDigital | A very professional and highly customizable template with lots of custom pages and useful features fora Creative Marketing Agency

NeoDigital Screenshot

Table of content


This template uses the following:

  • Modern CSS

  • BEM Methodology

  • Custom 4 column grid

  • SASS

    • variables
    • nesting
    • parials and imports
    • mixins
    • functions
    • extends
  • 7-1 project structure for SASS Files -

    • base/
    • components/
    • layout/
    • pages/
    • themes/
    • abstracts/
    • vendors/

A build script is created to accomodate older browser compatibility


  1. Clone the project to your local directory
git clone https://github.com/KaushikShivam/neoDigital
  1. The project uses NPM for managing dependencies. Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the watch script to view live changes to your CSS
npm run watch:sass
  1. Open the index.html file in your browser to view the website in all its glory (Live-server is recommended to view live changes automatically)


The project uses AutoPrefixer, Node-sass, npm-run-all etc to build the following scripts:

Watch live changes in development

  1. Watch live changes to the sass
"watch:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.css -w"
  1. Run Live-server for live development changes
"devserver": "live-server --browser=firefox"
  1. Script to run both simultaneously
"start": "npm-run-all --parallel devserver watch:sass"

Run npm start to run the script

Build script for production

  1. Compile sass files
"compile:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.comp.css"
  1. Concat all the css files including font styles etc
"concat:css": "concat -o css/style.concat.css css/icon-font.css css/style.comp.css",
  1. Add prefixes automatically to the modern CSS rules (supports last 10 years - Can be configured)
"prefix:css": "postcss --use autoprefixer -b 'last 10 versions' css/style.comp.css -o css/style.prefix.css"
  1. Adds compression
"compress:css": "node-sass css/style.prefix.css css/style.css --output-style compressed"
  1. Final Build process
"build:css": "npm-run-all compile:sass concat:css prefix:css compress:css"

Run npm run build:css to run the build script


You can contact me at: