
Project prepared in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Compiler Construction course.

Primary LanguageC


  • This project comprises of a working compiler constructed for a custom-defined, C-like langauge ErPlag. The language has been designed for the purposes of the project of the 2022-2023 offering of the course CS-F363 (Compiler Construction). The specifications about the ErPlag language can be found in the language_specifications.pdf document. All theoretical modules of a compiler have been included in our project: lexical analyser, syntax analyser (parser), semantic analyser, and code generator.
  • You may try the compiler by following these steps:
    • On a Linux-based terminal, navigate to the project directory, and then execute:
      > make
    • This should compile the project. You must now execute the following command:
      > ./compiler <testcase_file.txt> <generated_code.asm>
    • In the above command <testcase_file.txt> could be replaced with any of the t[1-6].txt, ts[1-10].txt, or c[1-10].txt files. Note that many of them contain lexical, syntactic and semantic errors for testing the robustness of the compiler; hence, proceed liberally with the testing.
    • <generated_code.asm> is the x86 generated executable code for the corresponding ERPLAG code. Any other name could be given to this file, while ensuring the proper extension .asm is used.
    • To run the generated code and see its output (code will only be generated in case the input file was lexically, syntactically, and semantically correct), execute the following command:
      > nasm -felf64 <generated_code.asm> && ld code.o && ./a.out

Note: This project has been developed using gcc version 11.3.0 ~ ubuntu 22.04 and nasm version 2.14.02. Please ensure compatibility with these versions on your system prior to testing.

  • Finally, cheers and shoutout to my teammates Harsh, Hrishikesh, Antriksh, and Shashank for their valuable contributions to the project. It has been a wonderful journey and an enriching experience working with them on this project.