
Project prepared in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Cloud Computing course.

Primary LanguagePython


LoadBalancerAutoScaling (LBAS) is a Python-based project that leverages gRPC, protocol buffers, and Docker to seamlessly integrate intermediate servers, end servers, and clients, fostering scalability, responsiveness, and security.

This repository contains the codebase for a distributed system architecture designed for a Financial Services Deployment System that is a part of the assignment from the Semester-I '23-24 offering of the CS G527 Cloud Computing course.

Underlying System Architecture



  • Python 3.x
  • gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call): gRPC tools and gRPC Python Libraries
  • Protobuf ‘protoc’ compiler (for .proto files)
  • Docker (code was run and tested on v4.24)
  • docker Python Library

Please ensure that you have these dependencies installed and configured before running the scripts.

Running Instructions

Note: 1) The operating systems of the machines on which the files are to be run must be Linux-based. 2) Ensure that all the required software and libraries are installed on your system. For more information on which libraries and software are needed, kindly go through technical design documentation.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create a docker image named ‘endserversleep’ via instruction:
docker build -t endserversleep .
  1. Run scaler.py
python scaler.py
  1. Run portal.py to register a tenant via email and password. Then choose the services, load balancer and auto scaler types.
python portal.py
  1. Two containers are started as soon as a tenant deploys his services for clients to use. A port number is also issued to the tenant, which is to be passed to the client. Run client by passing the port number (as given by tenant) as a command line argument as follows:
python client.py <PORT_NUMBER>