Cracking hashed passwords using a python script for sha256 algorithm
wordsList.txt : the list of words to generate the password guesses within the password cracker
- : the password cracker
cracked.txt : list of some of the cracked passwords from the hashedPasswords
hashedPasswords.txt : 100 hashes of passwords
Rules to generate the random password guesses:
1. random English word chosen (more than 10 characters)
2. first character sometimes captialized
3. substitutions: {'s':'$', 'a': '4', 'l': '1', 'e': '3', 't': '7', 'i': '1', 'o': '0', 'b': '8', 'g': '9'}
4. At the end of the word, a symbol and a digit get appended.
The following are the symbols used: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } | : ; [ ] ? > <
Run the python password cracker script on the UNO Cook Server: ssh
On the server, use the screen command to run the script non-stop to crack as many passwords as possible:
screen -ls
screen -r "number of screen"
Run the program on a screen: