- 1
#88 opened by chunbaisikio - 3
phi_k error with Polars DataFrame
#96 opened by Vla495 - 4
Failing tests
#73 opened by fabaff - 2
- 1
Make decorators import optional?
#64 opened by wleftwich - 3
bin_edges values are rounded with 1e-14 by Python and np.searchsorted affect the minimum values in bin 0.
#60 opened by MLecardonnel - 4
Suggestion for handling datetime columns
#7 opened by jkleint - 1
Update links to notebooks
#72 opened by adrianari - 3
Using Weighted Data with Phik
#26 opened by Statgnome - 2
Is Pandas dependency a must?
#70 opened by andreagalloni92 - 2
[QUESTION] Correlation direction
#59 opened by jultou-raa - 1
CMake error when building dev version
#55 opened by wwuck - 3
- 10
missing build deps though I have them installed when building with pyproject.toml
#50 opened by hubutui - 6
phik cannot install on arm
#48 opened by Wh1isper - 9
ERROR: Could not build wheels for phik, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
#42 opened by soham2710 - 11
global_phik interpretation and range
#37 opened by tgrandje - 8
- 1
Drop support for Python 3.6 as it's past EOL
#35 opened by RUrlus - 1
Publish wheels for python 3.10
#32 opened by wwuck - 1
- 1
#27 opened by monocot - 10
#20 opened by nateGeorge - 1
Open question on
#23 opened by bm765 - 6
Publish sdist to PyPI along with bdist_wheel
#16 opened by johnsushant - 1
How to avoid print statement
#13 opened by spantiru - 1
- 2
- 2
NCORES Related Crash on Windows
#10 opened by IronFarm - 6
Support for PySpark
#8 opened by nbernini - 2
- 2
Distance metric in UMAP
#3 opened by gokceneraslan - 3
Anaconda\lib\site-packages\phik\ UserWarning: Empty bin with bin-edges 9250352.5 - 11100412.399999999 warnings.warn('Empty bin with bin-edges {0:s} - {1:s}'.format(str(bin_edges[i-1]), str(bin_edges[i])))
#2 opened by atuliesbpl