
Objective: Develop a quantitative trading strategy based on moving average crossovers, backtest the strategy using historical data, and demonstrate its effectiveness in generating consistent returns.


Data Collection: Gather historical price data for a specific asset or stock. You can obtain this data from financial APIs or databases.

Algorithm Development: Code an algorithm that uses moving averages (e.g., 50-day and 200-day) to generate buy and sell signals. For example, when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average, it generates a buy signal, and vice versa.

Backtesting: Implement the algorithm to backtest the trading strategy using historical data. Evaluate the strategy's performance, including metrics like total return, Sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown, and win-loss ratio.

Optimization: Fine-tune the strategy parameters (e.g., moving average lengths) to optimize performance. Use techniques like grid search or genetic algorithms to find the optimal parameter values.

Documentation: Document the algorithm, backtesting results, optimizations, and risk management strategies. Create visualizations, charts, and graphs to illustrate the strategy's performance.