Lamda - COVID Tweet Search Engine

Search Engine Lamda was built to dissect twitter data to analyze government and public attitudes towards Covid and vaccines. Tweet data from the USA, India, and Mexico have been analyzed for three languages namely English, Hindi, and Spanish.

Live Demo

Video Demo -

For server build

  1. Change working directory to web-server/betasearch

  2. Install required python modules pip3 install django djangorestframework django-cors-headers googletrans==4.0.0-rc1 google-cloud-language pysolr tweepy GoogleNews

  3. Run python3 runserver

For Client build

  1. Change working directory to client

  2. Install Node version v14

  3. Run npm install in this folder to initialize node modules or to update packages

  4. For a development build run npm run serve

  5. Open localhost:8080 to see the app up and running

Tech Stack used

Frontend → VueJS

Backend → Python + Django

Search Platform → Solr

Hosting → AWS EC2

Analytics → Highcharts

Sentiment Analysis → Google Natural Language AI

Team Members

  1. Muhamed Aashiq

  2. Kaviarasu

  3. Deepak

  4. Dayashankar