
TailwindCSS Component Library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Elk/ui - Modern UI Component Library

Welcome to Elk/ui, a modern, open-source Tailwind UI component library designed to simplify web development. With Elk/ui, you can build stunning web applications with ease, thanks to our beautifully designed, accessible, and customizable components.


Getting Started

To get started with Elk/ui, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Project Dependencies:

    npm install
    # or
    yarn install
    # or
    pnpm install
    # or
    bun install
  2. Run the Development Server:

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
    # or
    pnpm dev
    # or
    bun dev
  3. Open Your Browser:

    Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Learn More

To learn more about Elk/ui and how to use the components, check out the following resources:


We welcome contributions from everyone. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, there are many ways to contribute to Elk/ui:

  1. Bug Reports and Feature Requests: If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on GitHub.

  2. Submitting Pull Requests: We love pull requests! If you'd like to contribute code, please follow these steps:

    • Fork the repository.
    • Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name).
    • Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
    • Push your changes to your fork (git push origin feature/your-feature-name).
    • Create a pull request on the main repository.
  3. Writing Documentation: Good documentation helps everyone. If you see something that needs improving, feel free to edit or add to our documentation.

  4. Designing Components: If you have design skills, consider contributing to our component library. All contributions are welcome, from simple style tweaks to entire new components.

Community Guidelines

To maintain a welcoming and inclusive community, please adhere to our Code of Conduct. Respect all community members and foster an environment of collaboration and mutual respect.

Join Our Community

Stay up to date with the latest developments, discuss new features, or get help with your projects by joining our community:

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js. Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


Elk/ui is proudly created by Dewmini Thakshila. For feedback and contributions, please visit our GitHub repository.

Thank you for your interest in Elk/ui. We hope our library makes your development process easier and more enjoyable. Happy coding!