An email client for phishing detection and sensitive words filtering.
- nodejs + js + prettier/eslint ✓
- receive mail: node-imap ✓
- react + webpack ✓
- Receiving emails ✓
- A server based on Koa for receiving emails (With Restful api available) ✓
- PostgreSQL for mails local storage ✓
- Change view style through Semantic UI ✓
- Server Refactor: redefine api and func for login, fetch, logout
- A restful api for receiving login info.
Server side should connect to the related mail server to fetch mails and store them in DB. - There is another button to for sending the received mails to the training model system to do classification.
- Another api for fetching data from DB, usually for frontend when it has logged in and want to fetch all mails.
- A logout api: when user logout, the data in DB should be deleted.
- Now we don't care the data consistency, we just fetch mails from 3rd server and do filering and display the result to users.
- A button for login ✓
- A button for log out ✓
- A button for filtering ✓
- A button for fetch all mails ✓
- Display the filtering result ✓
- Use superagent to fetch data.
- Use componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount funcs to fetch data once per minute.
- Use Semantic UI to arrange display.
- Four columns to for installation, uninstallation, calling, upgrading.
- Update data every minute.