
Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


I DevOps'd my dotfiles

Usage (Ubuntu only)

If you're comfortable piping wget output to bash, you may do the following:

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dustinspecker/ansible-dotfiles/main/install-ubuntu.sh | bash

This will install ansible, fetch this repository, and execute the playbook.

Manual Usage

  1. Install ansible-playbook
  2. Clone this git repository
  3. Navigate to the cloned repository
  4. ansible-playbook -i hosts dev-env.yml --ask-become-pass

Sets Up

  1. fzf
  2. Git (with gitk)
  3. go
  4. hub
  5. nvm
  6. packages_system
    • bat
    • fd
    • jq
    • silversearcher-ag
    • tree
  7. Tmux with (tmux package manager)
  8. Vim with vim-plug
  9. Zsh (with pure-prompt and z)

How to Develop Roles

  1. Install Docker and make sure it's running
  2. Install pipenv
  • python3.8 -m pip install pipenv==2020.11.15
  1. Navigate to ansible-dotfiles directory
  2. Run pipenv sync --dev to install dependencies
  3. Run pipenv shell to activate a virtualenv
  4. Navigate to role (such as git)
  5. Run molecule test to execute tests for respective role

How to Update Versions

  1. Install Docker and make sure it's running
  2. Install pipenv
  3. Navigate to ansible-dotfiles directory
  4. Run pipenv sync --dev to install dependencies
  5. Run pipenv shell to activate a virtualenv
  6. Run ./update-versions.sh

How to Create New Roles

  1. Scaffold via molecule init role -r ROLE_NAME
