Trainee Associate Software Engineer | Spring Boot | Laravel | React | Angular
WebmotechGalle - Sri Lanka
Pinned Repositories
Chat Application via Client-Server Architecture (Socket Programming Coursework)
Developed this Standalone Application as the first semester's final project for the Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering at the Institute of Software Engineering
A simple game using MINIMAX algorithm & play against AI bot (OOP Coursework)
Restaurant using java 11, javafx & maven in Layered-Architecture
Hostel-Management-System using Hibernate in Layered-Architecture (ORM Coursework)
Welcome to my Github Profile! It's a dynamic showcase representing my finest work, skills, and journey, highlighting my dedication, creativity, and unique perspective
Welcome to the LinkedIn Clone Repository! This is a mobile application built using React Native. The app aims to replicate the core features of LinkedIn. Feel free to explore the code, contribute, and provide feedback to help improve the application.
My portfolio is a showcase of my skills, beautifully crafted with React and Vite.
My Portfolio is a dynamic showcase of my best work, skills, and growth, demonstrating my dedication, creativity, and unique perspective
Welcome to Shoe Shop Landing Page Repository! This repository houses the code for our sleek and user-friendly landing page, crafted to highlight our brand and product offerings. Designed with a modern and responsive layout, this page ensures a seamless user experience across all devices.
Kavithma-Thushal's Repositories
My Portfolio is a dynamic showcase of my best work, skills, and growth, demonstrating my dedication, creativity, and unique perspective
This is GitHub Attendance
My portfolio is a showcase of my skills, beautifully crafted with React and Vite.
Welcome to the Animal AI project! This web application uses a deep learning model to predict the class of an animal based on an uploaded image.
This is learning about CI-CD Pipelines in IJSE.
Welcome to the Django Development Hub! Here, you'll find a carefully selected collection of resources and tutorials dedicated to mastering Django. Immerse yourself in the world of web development using Django, explore new features, and enhance your coding skills through practical learning.
Welcome to the Laravel Employee Management System project! This project involves building an employee management application where employees can store details in MySQL database.
Welcome to the Flask Development Hub! Here, you'll find a carefully selected collection of resources and tutorials dedicated to mastering Flask. Immerse yourself in the world of web development using Flask, explore new features, and enhance your coding skills through practical learning.
This repository contains the frontend for the Google Keep Clone App, a coursework project for Advanced Mobile Application Development as part of the GDSE66 program at IJSE.
This repository contains the backend for the Google Keep Clone App, a coursework project for Advanced Mobile Application Development as part of the GDSE66 program at IJSE.
Welcome to the Hello Shoes (PVT) LTD. Web Application, developed as the final project for the second semester of the Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering at the Institute of Software Engineering.
Welcome to the House Price Prediction project! This educational resource is designed to help you understand machine learning by building a simple regression model to predict house prices.
Welcome to the Image-Upload-AWS project! This repository focuses on building an image upload system using AWS services, allowing secure storage and retrieval of images.
Java vs PHP vs Python
Welcome to the Laravel Self-Learning Repository! Here, you'll find a curated collection of resources and tutorials dedicated to mastering Laravel. Dive into the world of Laravel development, explore new concepts, and enhance your skills through hands-on learning.
Welcome to the Lotto Predictor project! This educational resource is designed to help you understand machine learning by building a simple regression model to predict potential lottery numbers.
Welcome to the Machine Learning Room GDSE66 project! This resource is dedicated to exploring machine learning concepts, where we build and experiment with various models to solve real-world problems.
This is self learning CRUD application using MERN stack.
Welcome to the Music Genre Prediction project! This project demonstrates the use of machine learning to predict music genres based on age and gender.
Welcome to My Portfolio V3, the next evolution of my professional journey, skills, and accomplishments. This dynamic showcase reflects my continuous growth and development, offering a deeper insight into my expertise and the work I am passionate about.
Welcome to the Python Self-Learning Repository! Here, you'll find a curated collection of resources and tutorials dedicated to mastering Python. Dive into the world of Python development, explore new concepts, and enhance your skills through hands-on learning.
Simple POS Application BackEnd Implemented Using Node.
Simple POS Application BackEnd Implemented Using SpringBoot.
Simple POS Application FrontEnd.
Simple POS Application FrontEnd Implemented Using Angular.
Simple POS Application Implemented Using Laravel.
Simple POS Application Implemented Using PHP.
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The Work-Flow-Hub project is a comprehensive system designed to manage companies and employees effectively. Built with Laravel, it ensures secure authentication, robust functionality, and user-friendly interaction. The system caters to both company administrators and employees.
The Work-Flow-Hub-V2 project is a comprehensive system designed to manage companies and employees effectively. Built with Laravel, it ensures secure authentication, robust functionality, and user-friendly interaction. The system caters to both company administrators and employees.