This is the fourth project of the Math Magicians application. You will set up the environment and tools needed to develop a React this project, i created calcultor component for React. In the following projects, you will develop the actual application.
- Javascript ES6
- Webpack
- React
Webpack Linters Installed -Lighthouse -Webhint -Stylelint -ESLint -node_modules checker
- Open GitHub URL of repositry.
- Download Code repo in zip.
- Extract and open repo folder into visual studio code or any other Text Editor Software.
- GitHub Repositry URL: To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Visual Studio
- Knowldege About HTML / CSS / JAVASCRIPT ES6
- Lighthouse
- Webhint
- Stylelint
- ESLint
- node_modules checker
- Github
👤 Kaweesi Matia
- GitHub: @Kaweesi-Matia
- Twitter: @Kaweesi-Matia
- LinkedIn: @Kaweesi Matia
Other Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- microverseinc
- Inspiration
- etc This project is MIT licensed.