This is a data analysis project for hotel booking data, GO to to know more :)
Hotel Data Analysis
Here I developed a data analysis project using hotel booking data I sourced from a database I created by uploading Excel data sheets.
The database was connected to Power BI to answer some business questions and have a visual product at the end.
Stakeholder's questions that need to be answered:
" Is our hotel revenue growing over the years? "
We have two hotel types so it would be good to segment revenue by hotel type.
" Should we increase our parking lot size? "
We have to understand if there is a trend for guests with personal cars.
" What trends can we see in the data? "
Focus on average daily rate and guests to explore seasonality.
Project Pipeline
Build a Database: uploading Excel data sheets -(attached to repo)- to Microsoft SQL Server Studio.
Develop the SQL Query: queries are attached to the repo.
Connect Power BI to the Database
Dashboards image
* This is an interactive dashboard, you can download it from my repo, it's called "
Hotel Data Analysis.pbix" *