
Repo for spe major project backend

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Repo for spe major project backend and frontend

Documentaion of the project https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fb16XEJ-2oDqY1UdpzP7I1xnMp1JLpdtxcJ1XgDxZMw/edit?usp=sharing

Apart from the project, this is what extra is done by us-

Steps of how we achieved encryption in Ansible

  1. This create a plain text file which we will encrypt lated using ansible-vault
    echo "PASSWORD=prototype1">encrypt.txt

  2. password.txt contains out vault access password

  3. we encrypted the emcrypt.txt using ansible-vault
    ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file=password.txt encrypt.txt

  4. Added extra task in playbbok to decrypt this encrypted.txt file and store it in environment variable

  5. This command runs on playbook and stores decrypted password
    ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file=password.txt encrypt.txt --output=.env

  6. The docker-compose file can access the created .env file to access the database password