
Because Digitalocean costs $40/month on this application, I did not open the server, please check the Heroku version instead, thanks.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

PicsPie Microservices version


This version uses microservices structure to implement client, post, comment, and auth servers with the Local => Github test => Digitalocean deployment CI pipeline.


  1. Frontend: React, Redux (logger), BootStrap, Material UI
  2. Backend: Node.js, Express, Mongoose
  3. Authetication: Passport, Google-OAuth2.0, local-strategy, cookie-session
  4. Database: MongoDB, AWS S3, Redis
  5. Testing: Postman, Travis CI, Github, Jest, Puppeteer, supertest
  6. Cloud Provider: AWS Elastic Beanstalker, Digitalocean, Heroku


  1. implemented the user authentication system with passport local-strategy and google-oauth-strategy
  2. Implemented image upload with AWS S3 and aws-sdk library.


  1. Implemented main page
  2. Implemented user dashboard page,
  3. Implemented post detials page.
  4. Implemented the comment system.
  5. Used Redis to optimize user dashboard data


  1. Added Redis-Server for picspie
  2. Added Jest integretion testing
  3. Connected to Travis CI


  1. Dockerize the client and server side, and use nginx as the reverse proxy


  1. divided the whole backend into Microservices
  2. Card api adjustment


  1. Redis Typescript cache method (in process)
  2. Add jest test files into each server
  3. deployed microservices to Digitalocean cloud provider


  1. separate full-stack with e2e test, dockerized app with integration test on Travis and AWS, microservices with Travis and digitalocean.
  2. Add Google Login

TODO List -- features :

  1. Multiple images upload
  2. single video upload
  3. Advanced comment system
  4. Online chatting system
  5. Like system

TODO List -- technologies:

  1. Add React & Redux liraries to optimize performance