This version uses microservices structure to implement client, post, comment, and auth servers with the Local => Github test => Digitalocean deployment CI pipeline.
- Frontend: React, Redux (logger), BootStrap, Material UI
- Backend: Node.js, Express, Mongoose
- Authetication: Passport, Google-OAuth2.0, local-strategy, cookie-session
- Database: MongoDB, AWS S3, Redis
- Testing: Postman, Travis CI, Github, Jest, Puppeteer, supertest
- Cloud Provider: AWS Elastic Beanstalker, Digitalocean, Heroku
- implemented the user authentication system with passport local-strategy and google-oauth-strategy
- Implemented image upload with AWS S3 and aws-sdk library.
- Implemented main page
- Implemented user dashboard page,
- Implemented post detials page.
- Implemented the comment system.
- Used Redis to optimize user dashboard data
- Added Redis-Server for picspie
- Added Jest integretion testing
- Connected to Travis CI
- Dockerize the client and server side, and use nginx as the reverse proxy
- divided the whole backend into Microservices
- Card api adjustment
- Redis Typescript cache method (in process)
- Add jest test files into each server
- deployed microservices to Digitalocean cloud provider
- separate full-stack with e2e test, dockerized app with integration test on Travis and AWS, microservices with Travis and digitalocean.
- Add Google Login
- Multiple images upload
- single video upload
- Advanced comment system
- Online chatting system
- Like system
- Add React & Redux liraries to optimize performance