
Auto Bot

Primary LanguagePython


🇪🇳 README in english available here


| Functionality | Supported | |------------------------------------------------ ---------------|:--------------:| | Multithreading | ✅ | | Binding a proxy to a session | ✅ | | Auto-purchase of items if you have coins (tap, energy, charge) | ✅ | | Random sleep time between clicks | ✅ | | Random number of clicks per request | ✅ | | Support tdata / pyrogram .session / telethon .session | ✅ |

| Setting | Description | |-------------------------|--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------| | API_ID / API_HASH | Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session (stock - Android) | | MIN_AVAILABLE_ENERGY | The minimum amount of available energy, upon reaching which there will be a delay (eg 100) | | SLEEP_BY_MIN_ENERGY | Delay when reaching minimum energy in seconds ✅ | ADD_TAPS_ON_TURBO | How many taps will be added when turbo is activated ✅ | AUTO_UPGRADE_TAP | Should I improve the tap ✅ | MAX_TAP_LEVEL | Maximum level of tap pumping ✅ | AUTO_UPGRADE_ENERGY | Whether to improve energy ✅ | MAX_ENERGY_LEVEL | Maximum level of energy pumping ✅ | AUTO_UPGRADE_CHARGE | Whether to improve the energy charge ✅ | MAX_CHARGE_LEVEL | Maximum level of energy charge pumping ✅ | APPLY_DAILY_ENERGY | Should I use the daily free energy boost ✅ | APPLY_DAILY_TURBO | Should I use the daily free turbo boost ✅ | RANDOM_CLICKS_COUNT | Random number of taps ✅ | SLEEP_BETWEEN_TAP | Random delay between taps in seconds ✅ | USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE | Should I use a proxy from the file bot/config/proxies.txt✅

Quick start 📚

  1. To install libraries on Windows, run INSTALL.bat.
  2. To start the bot, use START.bat (or in the console: python main.py).


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python version 3.10 or 3.11.

Obtaining API keys

  1. Go to the website my.telegram.org and log in using your phone number.
  2. Select "API development tools" and fill out the form to register a new application.
  3. Record the API_ID and API_HASH in the .env file provided when you registered your application.


You can download Repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:

~ >>> git clone https://github.com/KayNguyen97/TapSwapBot.git
~ >>> cd TapSwapBot

~/TapSwapBot >>> python3 -m venv venv
~/TapSwapBot >>> source venv/bin/activate
~/TapSwapBot >>> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
~/TapSwapBot >>> cp .env-example .env
~/TapSwapBot >>> nano .env # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH , the rest is taken by default
~/TapSwapBot >>> sh install.sh
~/TapSwapBot >>> python3 main.py

~/TapSwapBot >>> python -m venv venv
~/TapSwapBot >>> venv\Scripts\activate
~/TapSwapBot >>> pip install -r requirements.txt
~/TapSwapBot >>> copy .env-example .env
~/TapSwapBot >>> # Specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
~/TapSwapBot >>> python main.py

Also for quick launch you can use arguments, for example:

~/TapSwapBot >>> python3 main.py --action (1/2/3)
# Or
~/TapSwapBot >>> python3 main.py -a (1/2/3)

#1 - Creates a session
#2 - Launches the clicker
#3 - Launch via Telegram