
🤖 Omnix Digital Experience

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📔 Omnix Digital Experience

Image description

🗔 Check out the app: https://omnix-test.vercel.app

📄 Challenge Explanation

Imagine you were hired to develop part of a landing page focused on selling internet plans. The checkout system has already been developed, so you must develop the Home and Deals page. Upon accessing the site, the customer is faced with a welcome message and a form requesting their zip code to proceed. You must use the ViaCep API to capture address data. When advancing, a screen is shown with a message containing the address entered, the offers available to the customer and a fixed button in the lower right corner of the screen with the message “Oops, I made a mistake in my zip code!”, which, when clicked, returns to the previous page.

🎲 What will be evaluated

  • HTML
  • CSS (use of Flex Layout)
  • JavaScript
  • Programming logic
  • Code organization

⚠️ ** Differentials **

  • Use semantic HTML [✔️]
  • Use Typescript [✔️]
  • Use Next.js [✔️]
  • Use the Context API [✔️]
  • Use the Storybook [✔️]
  • Use Unit Test [✔️]
  • Use Mobile First [✔️]

📁 Pages

The site has a total of 2 pages, which are:

  • Home: The homepage of the site that needs the text field to be filled in with a valid zip code.
  • Offers: The page presents the data consumed by the Via CEP API, in addition to some cards with Internet plans.

🎨 Story

The documentation of the components I made using the Storybook technology. Image description

🚀 Technologies

🛰️ API

📕 How to use it?

Before starting, you need to have Git and Node installed.

# Clone this project
$ git clone https://testing-library.com

# access
$ cd test

# install dependencies
$ yarn or npm

# Run the project
$ yarn start or npm start

# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>

🤝 Collaborators

Thanks to the following people who contributed to this project:

Photo by Kayke Fujinaka on GitHub
Kayke Fujinaka

📝 License

This project is under license. See the LICENSE file for more details.


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