
My .config for ricing Arch using i3-gaps and my scripts from my other repo, https://github.com/Kayno0o/RandomWallpaper

Primary LanguagePython


My .config for ricing Arch using i3-gaps and my scripts from my other repo, https://github.com/Kayno0o/RandomWallpaper

Table of contents

Example screenshot


Installation (arch only)

  • i3-gaps

    sudo pacman -S i3-gaps
  • i3blocks

    sudo pacman -S i3blocks
  • ibhagwan/picom

  • python3

    sudo pacman -S python3
  • For my lock screen, I use i3lock

    sudo pacman -S i3lock
  • For taking screenshots, I use ImageMagick

    sudo packman -S imagemagick
  • Wallpapers : 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th

  • I am using kitty as my terminal

  • I use Open Weather Api to get the weather, make sure to edit the config file to your own api key
    ~/.config/i3blocks/blocks/.env :

    echo "
    " > ~/.config/i3blocks/blocks/.env
  • As I said in the presentation, I use my own scripts from this repo RandomWallpaper to generate a random wallpaper and use the color scheme from the wallpaper to set the color of the i3blocks and terminal.
    Add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc to restore the color scheme on terminal:

    wal -r


If you have yarn (or npm), you can run npm run rsync (or npm run copy) to copy the .config and .local files to your home directory.