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The struggle to get a good and efficient tailor in a new enviroment can really be burdensome, every client longs for the same satisfaction they got in their previous location. Finding a trusted tailor shouldn't be a stressful experience. TailorX is a user-friendly web application that connects clients with skilled tailors in their area. This application is aimed at reducing that problem as much as possible, Our mission is two-fold:

  • For Clients: Reduce the stress of finding a reliable tailor. No more endless online searches or disappointing experiences. With TailorX, you can browse verified tailor profiles, view customer reviews, and even schedule appointments.

  • For Tailors: Eliminate the disappointment of missed connections. Tailors can showcase their expertise, connect with a wider client base, and manage their appointments all in one convenient platform.

We're excited to announce that TailorX will soon be live! You can also learn more about the project and the team behind it in our blog post:https://medium.com/@wuyepkate/tailorx-your-tailored-experience-71f9d747365f


CATHERINE R. WUYEP: a Software Developer, passionate about using her skills to make the world a better place


TailorX is a web-based application and doeasn't require any installation on your device, simply vist the deployed site through your favorite browser.

  1. Create an Account: SignUp for a free account as either a client or a tailor.
  2. Complete Your Profile: Clients can specify their location and tailoring needs. Tailors can showcase their experience, specialties, and portfolio images
  3. Find Your Perfect Match: Clients can browse tailor profiles, and filter their search based on location, expertise, and pricing.
  4. Schedule an Appointment: Clients can easily schedule appointments directly through the app with their chosen tailor.

Tailorx is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community! If you're a developer interested in getting involved, you can find more information about the project and contribution guidelines on our GitHub repository (link to be added once the repository is live).