
Drupal install profile improving the API docs module for class files

Primary LanguagePHP


Inspired by cafuego's one-time comment about being "lost in a maze of class files", and after some discussion about the relative merits of Backdrop, Drupal 8, and so on with Damz and Bojanz, I decided to make something that would help me understand the aforementioned mazes of class files more easily.

Maze is a simple install profile for Drupal that pulls together the necessary components to run the API module and uses a number of Views hooks and theme trickery to render a new tab on each class page.

By default, this "Code" tab displays every member of the class (whether its own or inherited from a parent or trait) and can be expanded to show the original code of the class. In addition, wherever a $this->method() or $this->property is detected in the code, those members are linked to the relevant code section on the same page.

Possible todos:

  • Make the entire page a single, Gist- or Googlecode-like code display, with the "accordion" feature looking more like the expand/collapse of functions within common IDEs.
  • Display the original docblocks of each function, which are sadly not saved in whole form by the API module.
  • ??? Feature requests and ideas are welcome.

Please pay no attention to the wizard behind the curtain of how hacky some of this code is. :)