
The decomp version of Chaos edition. Might make a contributor discord.

Primary LanguageC

Flags for codes: TIMEWASTE: these codes potentially waste the players time and need a strict timer limit AESTHETIC: these codes are purely audiovisual GAMEPLAY: these codes are gameplay changes SPECIAL: these codes are only applicable in very rare situations MESSY: these codes change no gameplay but troll the player otherwise POSITIVE: these help the player (very rare) 001: GAMEPLAY | SPECIAL bob ombs turn into bomb ombs 002: AESTHETIC big mario 003: TIMEWASTE | GAMEPLAY high gravity 004: MESSY buttons swapped 005: GAMEPLAY level reset 006: SPECIAL | GAMEPLAY things spawn goombas when they die (except for dust) 007: AESTHETHIC textures turn into toadfaces 008: GAMEPLAY collecting coins subtracts coins for a bit 009: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE tornado (all levels, fixed the old code) 010: AESTHETIC mario says random shit for a while 011: AESTHETIC mario choir music 012: AESTHETHIC screen is slightly rotated 013: AESTHETHIC | MESSY marios visual position gets offset by a random amount 014: SPECIAL | GAMEPLAY attempting to BLJ gives you PU speed instantly 015: GAMEPLAY bonking a wall without wallkicking explodes mario 016: AESTHETIC | MESSY transparent star model swaps with the normal one 017: GAMEPLAY | POSITIVE low gravity 018: GAMEPLAY | MESSY mario randomly "trips" (when walking, you have a chance to just fall on your stomach 019: GAMEPLAY bouncing off an enemy shoots mario into space) 020: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE randomly swap caps 021: GAMPELAY health drain 022: GAMEPLAY coins do damage instead 023: AESTHETIC star collect fanfar is toad fanfare instead 024: GAMEPLAY collission types get changed to a random other one. make sure not to pick painting types. the swap is consistent between floors 025: GAMEPLAY stars run away from mario 026: MESSY quicktime event. press a certain button within 2 seconds or you die instantly. 027: MESSY when you pause, the cursor moves to exit course 028: GAMEPLAY mario starts spinning 029: SPECIFIC | GAMEPLAY race enemies are HAULING ASS 030: GAMEPLAY| TIMEWASTE backwards push like holding bob ombs hand free 031: GAMEPLAY | MESSY longjump makes you GP in place 032: GAMEPLAY spawn green demon
033: AESTHETIC very sleepy mario 034: AESTHETIC | MESSY health bar becomes invisible 035: AESTHETIC mario becomes invisible 036 : GAMEPLAY mario loses his cap in the current level(just knock mario over and he flies backwardsd) 037: GAMEPLAY doors are explosive 038: GAMEPLAY doors rotate mario 180 degrees, putting him back where he came from 039: GAMEPLAY forwards walking speed gets uncapped and mario accelerates faster 040: GAMEPLAY fall damage requires only 200 height. everything can give you fall damage now. 041: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE every object rotates
042: AESTHETIC slow music 043: AESTHETIC fast music 044: GAMEPLAY if you walk, your speed is instantly set to 48 if its below 48 045: GAMEPLAY | MESSY 8 directional controls 046: GAMEPLAY jumping warps mario up by 1000 coordinates but halfs his jumping v speed 047: GAMEPLAY pressing B sets mario on fire 048: GAMEPLAY remove the water in the level 049: GAMEPLAY Z button is held 050: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE pause is pressed every other frame
051: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE camera buttons are pressed at random (C, R) 052: GAMEPLAY wallkicks dont change marios angle 053: GAMAPLEAY marios anglevel is changed to 0x100, slowly turn with swim and wing cap 054: AESTHETIC enable vertex colors on the entire level 055: AESTHETIC marios animations read from the wrong spot, cartridge tilt 056: GAMEPLAY ground pound automatically if your v speed is negative 057: GAMEPLAY sliding puts you on yout tum tum 058: GAMEPLAY jumping sticks mario to the ceiling and the ceiling becomes hangable 059: GAMEPLAY beta triple jump 060: GAMEPLAY | MESSY if mario is in a speakable state, make a textbox appear 061: GAMEPLAY | MESSY controls are inverted if coin count is an odd number 062: MESSY pausing kills mario 063: AESTHETIC text becomes rainbow 064: GAMEPLAY pressing z squishes mario 065: GAMEPLAY one ups knock mario out with an explosion dealing 2 dmg 066: GAMEPLAY everythign deals double damage 067: GAMEPLAY shell mario forwards push 068: GAMEPLAY coins count double 069: GAMEPLAY every surface is non slippery (0x15) 070: GAMEPLAY climbing upwarps mario 071: GAMEPLAY all hitboxes extend upwards infinitely 072: GAMEPLAY you can no longer hold backwards 073: GAMEPLAY minimum speed is set to 48 074: GAMEPLAY wrong warps (level is randomized, always 0x0A) 075: GAMEPLAY long jump bonks you backwards 076: GAMEPLAY game skips marios movement function at random or does it twice(stuttery movement) 077: MESSY death planes become normal surfaces 078: AESTHETIC mario gets a random color palette 079: AESTHETIC mario turns into a signpost 080: MESSY mario gets a random HP value every frame 081: GAMEPLAY jump kicks give you the sm64land catdive 082: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE camera stops 083: GAMEPLAY | MESSY pong appears on the screen. if you lose the game of pong, mario gets knocked over and takes 8 damage, if you win it disappears 084: GAMEPLAY | MESSY drunk lakitu (fuck with some cam values at random) 085: AESTHETIC randomly the level has the wrong BGM 086: GAMEPLAY | SPECIFIC wing cap sets marios speed to 200 087: AESTHETIC mario repeats his sound over and over 088: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE everything gets set to a random scale 089: AESTHETIC marios walk sounds become rabbit noises 090: GAMEPLAY debug fly mode for 5 seconds 091: GAMEPLAY | SPECIAL when in spinjump, the nearest object also rotates around the y axis 092: MESSY | AESTHETIC WATER SURFACE ACAMERA 093: AESTHETIC aglab cam 094: GAMEPLAY | MESSY when mario takes damage, he loses 20 coins and drops them around him 095: MESSY lose a live 096: MESSY everything always faces the camera 097: MESSY | AESTHETIC music is only on the left ear 098: AESTHETIC | GAMEPLAY lanky mario (scale him up on y axis, slowly, until the code runs out, hitbox too) 099: GAMEPLAY hyperaggressive boos (also go faster) 100: GAMEPLAY | MESSY mario instantly turns to intended yaw 101: AESTHETIC add to [0][0] in the perspective matrix by a small random float 102: AESTHETIC add a translation to every animation bone (lanky time) 103: AESTHETIC replace all models with lowest LOD 104: AESTHETIC add a random pitchshift to every note (the band is not having a good day) 105: GAMEPLAY | MESSY bosses don't lose health (bowser/whomp/wiggler/king bob omb) 106: GAMEPLAY | SPECIAL cannons shoot at insane speed 107: GAMEPLAY | MESSY doors are locked and mario unlocks them again 108: AESTHETIC goomba face replaced with mario face 109: AESTHETIC | GAMEPLAY mario turns green and slippery and his voice gets high pitched like luigi 110: GAMEPLAY | MESSY press dpad down and die 111: GAMEPLAY | MESSY solid objects are not solid 112: GAMEPLAY all hitboxes double in size 113: AESTHETIC every NPC is stuck at animation frame 0 114: GAMEPLAY put mario on a koopashell 115: GAMEPLAY stars dont boot you out, just give you the save and quit dialog 116: GAMEPLAY wallkicks dont work 117: GAMEPLAY | MESSY star select always defaults to star 1 118: GAMEPLAY | SPECIAL slide timer goes 60% faster (use rng) 119: GAMEPLAY all goombas spawn tiny 120: GAMEPLAY toads dont spawn 121: GAMEPLAY | MESSY baby penguins become carryable cork boxes 122: GAMEPLAY 3 scuttlebugs spawn around mario (if the level has them) 123: GAMEPLAY if you pick up an enemy, the enemy throws you 124: GAMEPLAY half all object gravity 125: GAMEPLAY | SPECIAL chain chomp gets attached to mario instead of his pole 126: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE infinite water height for mario only 127: GAMEPLAY | TIMEWASTE marios wall hitbox doubles in size (unfortunately can mess with doors...!) 128: GAMEPLAY ceilings stop working 129: GAMEPLAY every treasure chest is the wrong one 130: GAMEPLAY exclamation boxes spawn a random thing out of the list (not koopashells because of crash) 131: GAMEPLAY any red coin sets the coin counter to 7 132: AESTHETIC orthorgonal view 133: AESTHETIC textboxes are misspelled (random letters are randomly wrong) 134: GAMEPLAY every object spawns in at scales between .5 and 1.5 135: GAMEPLAY solid objects start moving sinusoidal 136: GAMEPLAY marios butt burn lasts forever 137: GAMEPLAY mario only moves one quarterstep at a time on the floor 138: GAMEPLAY mario copies the facingangle of the nearest object in the LEVEL list if its close enough 139: GAMEPLAY all solid objects start spinning VERY slowly 140: GAMEPLAY cannons are locked 141: MESSY the act selector pretends all stars are collected 142: GAMEPLAY all sand is quicksand becomes quicksand 143: GAMEPLAY bob ombs spawn coins instead of smoke 144: GAMEPLAY all whomps become whomp king bosses 145: GAMEPLAY bubba goes faster and turns faster 146: AESTHETIC all frequencies are flipped 147: GAMEPLAY all objects move twice as fast 148: AESTHETIC animation rotation roll slowly gets messy 149: AESTHETIC random switch case is auto selected for graph nodes 150: AESTHETIC water texture is randomized

harsh time limit on the doors open with stars again code!

ideas for more codes: slightly delay bowser throws

plans for twitch integration: make an array at 803f0000 that holds 4 byte timers for every effect, sorted by ID make an array that holds prior timers at 803f0400 the effects that trigger on activation do stuff once the new timer is bigger than the old timer

program frontend: make the streamer able to put a "base chaos frequency". this has to be put in seconds. recommended number: 5-10 (higher number: easier). write this number to 803F0800 make the streamer able to put a "base chaos duration". this has to be put in seconds. recommended number: 30. write this number to 803F0804

add (effecttime(in seconds) multiplied by 30) to the number at 803F0000 + codeID*4 just write 30 for the effects that have no timer