
This is a public repository of an assignment that is given to me

Primary LanguagePython

​Pose Estimation and Tracking with MMDet

Using Multithreading with OpenCV and MMCV, MMPose, MMDet

Table of Contents
  1. About the project
  2. Code Explanation

About the Project

For this project we have to modify the given sample code in such a way so that we can track and detect pose data from 4 different video streams at one go. So basically the idea is: we have to parallely extract frames from 4 videos and merge every 4 frames into a single frame and run that frame through mmdet + mmpose.


  • Task 1: Apply multithreading to read frames with opencv. The steps are:

    • From every frame of respective four videos we combine them and create a single image.
    • If a video is finished then we need to continue giving blank image until most lengthy video continues and combine the images and pass it to inference.
  • Task 2: Apply mmdet + mmpose

    • Of every combined image we run inference and get the output image.
    • We pass the predicted image to opencv videowrite method to save it as a video.

Recommended Project Plan



  • Deliverable 1: A script that embrace multithreading with OpenCV and returns images.
  • Deliverable 2: Modified script of the given example to incorporate the multithreading and mmdet + pose estmation + object tracking
  • Deliverable 3: A alternative script that doesn't use multithreading but do the job.

Code Explantaion

  • The Approaches are:
    • We initialize a multithreading instance, what we will call it to extract frames of the given video path.
    • We create four threads for four videos that are given to use and pass the frames for further processing.
    • Check if the video stops giving frames, if yes and it is not the most lengthy video one then create a blank image and pass it.
    • We combine the four images to create a single image. So, there will four portions in the combined image, which is given from four threads or blank image if the video stops streaming.
    • We resize the image in 1920 X 1080 and pass it to mmdet and mmpose for detecting, pose estimating and tracking the humans.

Multithreading (video_get.py)

  • We embrace instance method to use multithreading.
    • In VideoGet class we initialize VideoCapture method.
    • With start function we initialize the thread method and pass the function we are interested to run in thread.
    • The get function will continue extracting frames until the video provides false when extracting images.

Detection + Pose Estimation + Tracking

We modify the given example to a extend to use the threading and apply mmdet + mmpose.

Modify 1:

Import videos's path and save it to list. Assert if it has only four videos, raise error if it's less than 4 or more than 4.


Modify 2: Intialize the video capture and asserting if any of them fails to load.


Modify 3:

Getting minimum fps and maximum size from all the videos and intializing VideoWriter to write the detected images as .mp4 format.


Modify 4:

Initializing threadVideoGet function where it will take video path and call the VideoGet, initialize thread and extract frames.


Modify 5:

We initialize video sorting function, where it returns the most lengthy video at the first index of the list.


Modify 6:

  • We use Infinite loop until the mosth lengthy video stops giving frame.
  • Till then, for the shorter videos we pass blank images of the required size.
  • In the loop we start the threading and extract the images and success condition.
