
Simple resource monitoring for Android

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Monitoring Android cpu or memory usage and create their simple graph with Google API.

Gem Version

Read also: https://developer.android.com/training/testing/performance


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'droid-monitor'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install droid-monitor

Quick Start with Sample

See under sample file in this repository. The sample use clockwork to run ruby script in particular terms.

$ cd sample
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec clockwork example_cpu.rb


Followings are only storing data. They don't include cron like clockwork.


with cpuinfo

require "droid/monitor/cpu"

# initialize
@cpu = Droid::Monitor::Cpu.new( { package: "com.android.chrome" } )

# save data into @cpu.cpu_usage

# export data into filename as google api format
filename = "sample_data.txt"

# export data into filename which is used the above command.
output_file_path = "sample.html"
graph_opts = { title: "Example", header1: "this graph is just sample"}
@cpu.create_graph(filename, graph_opts, output_file_path)

#clear @cpu.cpu_usage

with top command

require "droid/monitor/cpu"

# initialize
@cpu = Droid::Monitor::Cpu.new( { package: "com.android.chrome" } )

# save data into @cpu.cpu_usage

# export data into filename as google api format
filename = "sample_data.txt"

# export data into filename which is used the above command.
output_file_path = "sample.html"
graph_opts = { title: "Example", header1: "this graph is just sample"}
@cpu.create_graph(filename, graph_opts, output_file_path)

#clear @cpu.cpu_usage



require "droid/monitor/memory"

# initialize
# You can specify target devices with providing device serial which is provided via adb devices.
@memory = Droid::Monitor::Memory.new( { package: "com.android.chrome", device_serial: "device_serials"} )

# save data into @memory.memory_usage

# export data into filename as google api format
filename = "sample_data.txt"

# export data into filename which is used the above command.
output_file_path = "sample.html"
graph_opts = { title: "Example", header1: "this graph is just sample"}
@memory.create_graph(filename, graph_opts, output_file_path)

#clear @memory.memory_detail_usage



Android 5.x can't get netstats.

require "droid/monitor/net"

# initialize
@net = Droid::Monitor::Net.new( { package: "com.android.chrome" } )

@data_file = "sample.txt"
@data_file2 = "sample2.txt"

# save data into @net.tcp_rec, @net.tcp_snd

# export data into filename as google api format
finename1 = "sample_data1.txt"
finename2 = "sample_data2.txt"

# export data into filename which is used the above command.
output_file_path1 = "sample1.html"
output_file_path2 = "sample2.html"
graph_opts = { title: "Example", header1: "this graph is just sample"}
@net.create_graph(@data_file, graph_opts, output_file_path1)
@net.create_graph(@data_file2, graph_opts, output_file_path2)

# clear @net.tcp_rec and @net.tcp_snd


  • receive tcp

  • send tcp


require "droid/monitor/gxfinfo"

# initialize
@gfx = Droid::Monitor::Gfxinfo.new( { package: "com.android.chrome" } )

# save data into @gfx.gfxinfo_usage

# export data into filename as google api format
data_file_gfx = "sample_gfx.txt"
data_file_mem = "sample_mem.txt"
data_file_frame = "sample_frame.txt" # Can't get frame rendered if api level of target devices are 21 or 22.(Android 5.x)
@gfx.save_gfxinfo_usage_as_google_api(data_file_gfx, data_file_mem, data_file_frame)

# export data into filename which is used the above command.
output_file_path1 = "sample1.html"
output_file_path2 = "sample2.html"
output_file_path3 = "sample3.html"

graph_opts = { title: "Example", header1: "this graph is just sample"}
@gfx.create_graph(@data_file_gfx, graph_opts, output_file_path1)
@gfx.create_graph(@data_file_mem, graph_opts, output_file_path3)
@gfx.create_graph(@data_file_frame, graph_opts, output_file_path3)

# clear @net.tcp_rec and @net.tcp_snd


  • gfx

  • memory

  • frame

Can't get frame rendered if api level of target devices are 21 or 22.(Android 5.x)


  1. Some browser, like Google Chrome, can't see local file via page. So, you should see report html file via FireFox as example.


For battery



MIT license. Please see here.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/droid-monitor/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request