
FTP, SFTP, FTPS and SCP clients:jack_o_lantern::sparkles:

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FTP:zap:, FTPS:snowman:, SFTP:sunny: and SCP:snowflake: clients:jack_o_lantern::sparkles:


You should check bardiche sample repository and document. And I'll write FTP sample code.

One time connection by FTP.


try {
    FileClients::one(FileClientsType::BARDICHE_TYPE_FTP(), [
        'negotiation' => true,                             // options default: fallse
        'timeout'     => 90,                               // options default: 90
        'host'        => '',
        'username'    => 'vagrant',
        'password'    => 'vagrant',
        'file_info'   => [
                'remote_directory_path' => '/',
                'remote_file_name'      => 'fate_t_harlaown.txt',
                'local_directory_path'  => '/tmp',
                'local_file_name'       => 'fate_testarossa.txt',
                'ascii'                 => FTP_ASCII,
            //    'remote_directory_path' => '/takamachi',
            //    'remote_file_name'      => 'fate_t_harlaown.txt',
            //    'local_directory_path'  => '/tmp',
            //    'local_file_name'       => 'fate_testarossa.txt',
            //    'ascii'                 => FTP_ASCII,
        'port'     => 2224,                                // options default: 21
        'pasv'     => false,                               // options default: true
        'parallel' => 2,                                   // options default: 0
    ], FileClients::BARDICHE_UPLOAD);
} catch ( BardicheException $e ) {
    var_dump(json_decode($e->getMessage(), true));

Features Liest

Here is the list of tested features and unsupported features:




This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.