
2131MHz MEM clock not possible anymore

TeleTubby666 opened this issue · 3 comments


I used to run my OLED Switch on 2131 MHz MEM clock rock stable for months with an old version of Switch OC Suite.


Now, that I am forced to use a recent AMS version I have to upgrade the suite as well. And now it seems the clocks are stuck to 1600 MHz although editing the KIP file using the Python tool.

Am I doing something wrong nowadays or is it simply just not possible any more to clock the memory higher than 1600 MHz?

Thank you in advance!

Edit: Also tried with the online configurator. The resulting log is updated below

Am I doing something wrong nowadays or is it simply just not possible any more to clock the memory higher than 1996 MHz?

To save any changes to loader.kip, --save argument is required.

$ ./ldr_config.py -h
usage: ldr_config.py [-h] [--save] [--ignore] file

Loader Configurator v2

positional arguments:
file Path of loader.kip

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--save, -s Save configuration to loader.kip
--ignore Ignore range safety check

There seems to be another issue. I succeeded in to edit and save the kip file successfully:

python ldr_config.py --save loader.kip
Saving new configuration...

  • mtcConf : 0 -> 1
  • marikoCpuMaxClock : 2397000 -> 2193000
  • marikoCpuBoostClock : 1785000 -> 2397000
  • marikoCpuMaxVolt : 1220
  • marikoGpuMaxClock : 1305600
  • marikoEmcMaxClock : 1996800 -> 2131200
  • eristaCpuOCEnable : 0
  • eristaCpuMaxVolt : 0
  • eristaEmcMaxClock : 1862400
  • eristaEmcVolt : 0

The resulting kip file is moved into the atmosphere's kips folder, unsafe frequencies are enabled in config ini:

; (Mariko Only) Allow unsafe frequencies (CPU > 1963.5 MHz, GPU > 921.6 MHz)
; (Mariko Only) Auto-boost CPU when system Core #3 utilization ≥ 95%
; Sync nominal profile (mode) with ReverseNX (-Tool and -RT)
; Disable fast charging (2000mA -> 500 mA)
; Charging limit (20% - 100%)
; CPU & GPU frequency governor (Experimental)
; Defines how often sys-clk log temperatures, in milliseconds (0 to disable)
; Defines how often sys-clk writes to the CSV, in milliseconds (0 to disable)
; Defines how fast sys-clk checks and applies profiles, in milliseconds

And this is the config section of my hekate_ipl.ini:


And this is the resulting log file:

[2022-11-09 22:03:32.006] === sys-clk-OC 2022/11/01 ===
[2022-11-09 22:03:35.317] Parsed cust config from /atmosphere/kips/loader.kip, maxMemFreq: 2131 MHz, boostCpuFreq: 2397 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.441] Ready
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.489] [cfg] Reading /config/sys-clk/config.ini
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.628] [mgr] sys-clk-OC status: enabled
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.649] [mgr] TitleID change: 0100000000001000
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.674] [mgr] CPU clock change: 1785.0 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.683] [mgr] GPU clock change: 76.8 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.692] [mgr] Memory clock change: 1331.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.716] [mgr] Memory clock set : 2131.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:36.730] [mgr] Cannot set Memory clock to 2131.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:37.750] [mgr] CPU clock change: 1020.0 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:38.191] [mgr] GPU clock change: 307.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:38.707] [mgr] Memory clock set : 2131.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:38.743] [mgr] Cannot set Memory clock to 2131.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:53.519] [cfg] Reading /config/sys-clk/config.ini
[2022-11-09 22:03:57.115] [cfg] Reading /config/sys-clk/config.ini
[2022-11-09 22:03:57.134] [mgr] Memory clock set : 2131.2 MHz
[2022-11-09 22:03:57.147] [mgr] Cannot set Memory clock to 2131.2 MHz

This happens in docking as well as in handheld mode. HOS is 15.01 and AMS 1.4

Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance!

Problem is solved now:

kip1=atmosphere/kips/loader.kip must not be in the [config] section, it has to be in the individual section for emuMMC

Please @KazushiMe, add this to the readme file!