
Implementation of Siamese CBOW using keras whose backend is tensorflow.

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of SiameseCBOW using python3.4, keras and tensorflow.


How to use

0. Installation

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Customize src/load.py

At first, you should customize src/load.py so that you can load your data and preprocess it.

If you just want to test the codes, please comment out x, y = load(file) and set variable:x, y in main.py like this:

def main():


 import numpy as np
 x = [np.ones((10, input_length))] * (1 + n_positive + n_negative)
 y = np.ones((10, n_positive + n_negative))


 model.fit(x, y, epochs=1)

2. Set Hyper-parameters

If you want, please set Hyper-parameters such as embedding dimension in main.py.

3. Train&Save

Please execute this command at the git project directory:

$ python main.py -f <data_path>

and a pickle file of an embedding vector will be saved in ./save/.