Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC Open Kit DriverWarn-demo Developer documentation


This project relies on the QCS610 development kit, using the AI computing power and image processing capabilities of the development kit to collect images in real time, perform AI reasoning after preprocessing, and output the reasoning results. I use gstreamer and tflite (support NNAPI) to complete the above functions.

The current deployment of deep learning is extremely hot, so I think it is necessary to deploy deep learning models in embedded devices. In life, fatigue driving causes a lot of traffic accidents, so I thought of this small project of driving warning.

The project was built in x86 host with across complier tool and has been tested in Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC device.

Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC Development board

Turbox C610  Development board

Materials and Tools used for the project

  1. Hardware materials

Except for the development board,The following hardware materials are also needed:

  • Type-C usb line

using the usb line to develop on Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC development board.

usb line

  • Charger

Direct power supply for Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC development board


Environment configuration

This section mainly describes the source and configuration of some open source projects or third-party tools needed in the development process.


  1. Download Tensoflow source code(version > 2.0): https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
  2. build Tensorflow for support TFLite runtime in your QCS610 open kit.
  3. Git clone this project link https://github.com/ThunderSoft-XA/C610-DriverWarn-demo/
  4. build the project after solve other dependencies
If the system on your development kit already supports TFLite runtime, you can skip step 1  and step 2.


The version of OpenCV is 3.4.3.There are many tutorials for opencv installation on the network.Therefore, you can completely refer to other people's installation methods for installation and configuration.For example:https://www.cnblogs.com/uestc-mm/p/7338244.html


The compilation of the whole project is based on the yocto compilation tool, so you need to write some .bb and .conf files according to the specification. The link is driver_warn_1.0.bb example.

Please refer to the official Manual of Yocto for how to add layers,write layer.conf .Then,excute the command as follows:

bitbake DriverWarn

you will get a executable bin file named gst_test.Move it to the root of the source code.Next,push the whole project code to Qualcomm® QCS610 SoC device`s dir /data/.

adb root && adb disable-verity && adb reboot

adb root &&adb remount && adb shell mount -o remount,rw /

adb push xxx/xxx/sourcepath /data/

adb shell

cd data/DriverWarn-demo

Configure and Usage

1. Configure

gstreamer pipeline config: [conf_info]

parameter note
conf_count = 1 //parse configure total number in current file


parameter note
gstid=0 //gstreamer pipeline ID
gstname=gst_zero //gstreamer pipeline name
sinkname=gst_sink //gstreamer pipeline appsink Plug-in name
gsttype=1 // gstreamer pipeline type ,0 = rtsp ,1 = camera, 2 = local file
path=1 // gstreamer pipeline source sink path ,rtsp = url,camera=camera id,local file = local video file path
decode=h264 // gstreamer pipeline decode type
hw_dec=1 //gstreamer pipeline hardware decode or software decode
calibration=1 //image frame need calibration or not, 1 = need

AI model config: [conf_info]

parameter note
conf_count=3 //parse configure total number in current file


parameter note
data_source=gst_zero //AI inference data from anywhere gstreamer pipeline
delegate=1 //use tflite runtime delegate,0 = CPU,1 = NNAPI, 2 = GPU,3 = DSP
input_mean=127.5 //model mean value for Calculation output
std_mean=127.5 //model mean value for Calculation output range
max_profiling_buffer_entries=1024 //Not implemented yet
number_of_warmup_runs=2 //Not implemented yet

2. Usage

This project only provides a simple command line interface.

Run DriverWarn:

Run the DriverWarn test demo.This test demo has only command line output.

$ cd /data/<source root dir> && mkdir build
$ cp gst_test ./build && cd build
$ ./gst_test