
#Online Shopping #Spring Boot #FreeMarker #Bootstrap #JPA #购物车 #网上商城 Demo👉

Primary LanguageJava


A web application for online shopping with Spring Boot, FreeMarker & Hibernate

[UPDATE]: Angular 7, persistent shopping cart, JWT, etc. Check here: SpringBoot-Angular7-ShoppingCart

Stacks: Spring Boot, Spring Security, FreeMarker, Spring Data JPA...

How to run

  1. Configue datasource in application.yml. Here I use PostgreSQL.
  2. The inial data is imported automatically by import.sql
  3. Run OnlineShoppingApplication.java.


There is a login and registration functionality included.   There are three roles for user, such as customer, employee, mangager.
Customer: The users with this role can shop for products. Each user has his own shopping cart (session functionality).add items into cart, view list of items and checkout. Checkout is transactional.
EMPLOYEE: The users with this role can view list of orders, details of an orderMain and their profile.
MANAGER: The users with this role can view list of orders, details of an orderMain and their profile, add and edit products.

Demo 👉 E-Shop
The demo is deployed on Heroku, using PostgreSQL as database.