Challenge: Documents Clustering using the TF-IDF

Python version

The Mission

You are a new developer in the company and your mission is to use clustering techniques to classify the documents and reduce the manual work. Once your project is completed, the company will have the following improved workflow:

Mission objectives

  • Implementation of natural language processing techniques.
  • Implementation of unsupervised learning.
  • Understand the advantages and limitations of different clustering algorithms.


pip install -r requirements.txt


create the training dataset from data/in.tsv.xz file. Clean, Tokenize, TF-IDF, and save the training dataset to data/training_dataset_{k}.parquet file. (where k is the number of entries in the training dataset)

create the silhouette plots in png for the analysis to find the best k (in k-means) in data/analysis folder.

create the silhouette plots in png for the analysis in data/analysis folder.

when run, the program train the model K-means and save the model to data/kmeans_{k}.pickle file. then plot list of most common words by cluster k


check for more details.


The dataset use here is from Kleister Charity Data

My Process


  • Using Dask for parallel processing
  • Package dependencies when swithching between computers
  • Trying to use package that looks good but don't works properly.
  • Transfer of knowledge from documentations examples to actual code.

Additional Resources

Presentation Slides here
it show the plot for the silhouette analysis and result for the analysis of the most common words by cluster.