
Many-to-one C++ container

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Many-to-one C++ container

xu::polykey_map<Value_T, Key_Ts...> implements a container analogous to a table in a relational database where:

Key 1 Key 2 Value
15 "Hello"
'F' ", "
16 'D' "World!"
  • There is one value column and multiple nullable key columns
  • Each row must have at least one valid key
  • Value retrieval is done by specifying a key column and a valid key
  • Removal is at the row level, i.e. removing where key1=16 also results in the removal of key='D'
  • Keys are unique within a column


Member functions take a column index as a template parameter and a key as a function parameter.

  • void insert<index>(key, value)
  • Value_T& get<index>(key)
  • bool contains<index>(key)

The link function takes an additional index and key.

  • void link<index1, index2>(key1, key2)
  • bool is_linked<index1, index2>(key1)
  • Key_T<index2> convert_key<index1, index2>(key1)

New values are inserted with a single key. To add a new key for an existing value, the link function is used.

Example code:

enum Keys

/* the first template argument is the stored value type */
xu::polykey_map<std::string, int, char> pkmap;

pkmap.insert<Key1>(15, "Hello");
pkmap.insert<Key2>('F', ", ");

pkmap.insert<Key1>(16, "World!");
pkmap.link<Key1, Key2>(16, 'D');


pkmap.at<Key2>('D') = "there!"


if (pkmap.contains<Key1>(17))

for (auto& s : pkmap)