- 4
TestTacletEquality ignores semantic switches
#3489 opened by WolframPfeifer - 1
no_state modifier no longer supported
#3452 opened by mattulbrich - 2
- 3
Missing spaces in .key files are ignored
#3538 opened by mattulbrich - 2
- 4
- 0
Soundness bug: Assignable treatment is wrong
#3524 opened by mattulbrich - 1
KeY GUI slows down already at proofs of size 10000
#3500 opened by unp1 - 2
SMT Translation naming conflicts
#3455 opened by BookWood7th - 0
- 1
Decrease Log Level of "Duplicate Sort" Warnings
#3501 opened by WolframPfeifer - 1
Drag and drop does no longer indicate target formula
#3378 opened by mattulbrich - 1
Improved Taclet Options
#3414 opened by WolframPfeifer - 5
- 3
Control-C may leave a defunct process
#3456 opened by mattulbrich - 1
Follow-up tasks for overflow checking fix (#3353)
#3487 opened by WolframPfeifer - 0
- 8
Assignable prevents proving the algorithm
#3362 opened by fab918 - 0
#3477 opened by wadoon - 4
Support for JML `TYPE`
#3407 opened by flo2702 - 0
JML ghost declarations should behave like set statements
#3466 opened by wadoon - 1
Missing rule for type of array
#3389 opened by WolframPfeifer - 2
- 0
- 0
Metadata in KeY proof files
#3449 opened by wadoon - 1
JML Assert Statement Mutable During Proving
#3300 opened by unp1 - 1
Broken link in
#3442 opened by Ao-senXiong - 3
- 0
Poor error message for simple syntax error
#3441 opened by FliegendeWurst - 5
Proof independent settings seem to be no longer saved
#3366 opened by unp1 - 0
Make the proof tree (or the KeY GUI in general) responsive during automatic proof search
#3415 opened by WolframPfeifer - 0
Do not update proof tree if not visible
#3410 opened by unp1 - 1
- 0
- 1
Allow pausing of cache replay for a specific proof
#3351 opened by unp1 - 0
- 1
Reverse Origin Lookup
#3354 opened by unp1 - 0
Userdefined \sorts can't be used in .java files
#3402 opened by FabianKof - 1
Function symbols with clashing names are not detected
#3403 opened by mattulbrich - 0
KeY-BOOK2: Testgen has diverged from book description
#3401 opened by wadoon - 0
Assignable does not work correctly with Boxed types
#3364 opened by fab918 - 8
Proof tree filters not applied correctly
#3367 opened by WolframPfeifer - 1
Be able to edit the source file in the main interface
#3363 opened by fab918 - 1
- 1
Switching proofs resets selection
#3347 opened by FliegendeWurst - 0
RuleSet names with more structure
#3350 opened by unp1 - 0
- 2
Proof Slicer always active
#3301 opened by unp1 - 0
Disabling OriginLabels causes proof to crash
#3315 opened by unp1 - 1
TacletAppIndex or TermTacletAppIndex becomes corrupted
#3313 opened by unp1