In the project directory bsn/ run:
Then again in directory bsn/bsn/ run:
Then to open the app run in bsn/bsn:
In order for the application to work, a Ganache GUI instance at RPC Server HTTP:// must be running In order for communities or posts to be created a shard instance must be run on a free port via Ganache CLI
More info on running Ganache CLI shards is available here Or by searching the commands in the analytical folder.
Enter directory analytical/
In order for the application to work, a Ganache GUI instance at RPC Server HTTP:// must be running In order for communities or posts to be created a shard instance must be run on a free port via Ganache CLI
More info on running Ganache CLI shards is available here Or by searching the commands in the analytical folder.
If shards have not been generated: Configure wallet public and private key pair based on Ganache CLI Configure IPFS key via infura
Then after installing requirements run:
Then to generate graphs run: