
my rice dump featuring meme bash aliases, minimal slim theme with waifus, some new i3 modes and a transparent status bar with blocks scripts.

Primary LanguageShell

Junicchi's Linux Rice

this repo is mostly my dump but also has some innovative and useful stuff. Single Single

What's new?

  • Current playing souncloud track to status bar script
  • Gaps Mode, which you can easily manage inner/outer/vertical/horizontal gaps and switch between gaps profiles
  • A full transparent minimal bar with characters rather than numbers as workspace names with static sequance.
  • Bash aliases full of shit functions, file uploaders and a terminal/explorer dropdowns in background
  • My useless scripts like terminal urlLauncher with proxy, terminal smart tv controller and terminal radio CurrentTrack Modes

Slim Lock Screen

Slim theme selects a random ascii art everytime, here is the list: List of ascii arts

Old rice

Old rice is in this branch if you're interested Old Rice

