
Simple data transfer application from Nats to ClickHouse.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Simple data transfer application from Nats to ClickHouse.

Go Report Card test Go Coverage golangci-lint

Simple example

  1. Run Nats
  2. Run Clickhouse
  3. Create a new table with name - NatsMessages
    • Table must contain five required columns

      Name DataType Description
      Id String Unique UUID for every row
      ClientId String The name is taken from the configuration file, Nats:client_name
      Subject String Subject where the message was received from
      CreateDateTime DateTime Time of receipt
      Content String Message content
create table if not exists NatsMessages
    Id             String,
    ClientId       String,
    Subject        String,
    CreateDateTime DateTime,
    Content        String
    engine = MergeTree PARTITION BY toStartOfWeek(CreateDateTime)
        ORDER BY (Subject, CreateDateTime)
        TTL CreateDateTime + toIntervalMonth(1)
        SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;
  1. Clone repository, build and run it with default configuration
git clone https://github.com/Kebastos/NatsToCh.git
cd ./natsToCh
go build .


In this section you can configure subjects.

subjects: [
      ## Name of subject
      name: "test",
      ## Name of queue

You may configure two different ways for inserting data into the Clickhouse. The first option (it is not recommended due to frequent inserts) - when use_buffer is false. In this case nats2ch will get messages and insert data into the Clickhouse.

  ## Name of subject
  name: "test",
  ## Name of queue
  queue: "testQueue",
  ## Name of table for insert
  table_name: "testCash",
  ## Enable Buffer mode, when messages from Nats stacks in buffer.
  use_buffer: false,

The second option - when use_buffer is true. In this case you must configure section with name - buffer_config and when nats2ch will get messages and put it into buffer. Buffer will drain after one of two events:

  1. Buffers size greater than max_size option.
  2. max_wait is expired.

This can help you avoid problems with excessive memory usage.

For example:

    use_buffer: true,
    buffer_config: {
      ## Max size of buffer for starting to drain. Must be greater than 0.
      max_size: 10,
      ## Max timeout of buffer for starting to drain. Must be greater than 0.
      max_wait: 60s,