
Scriptable graph visualization and analysis tool for immersive VR environments.

Primary LanguageC++

Mycelia (plural of mycelium) is a network visualization tool for the Vrui.
Networks can be loaded from Graphviz, XML, Chaco, or GraphML files, and
graphs modified in the Cave can be saved in Graphviz format. Graph theory
algorithms are provided by the Boost library.

Other features include dynamic graph creation and modification tools, dynamic
generation of Barabasi-Albert/Erdos-Renyi/Strogatz-Watts graphs, subgraph
focus, and edge bundling. Static node layout is provided by a force directed
layout algorithm, including an optional CUDA-accelerated implementation. A
physically accurate dynamic layout algorithm based on Newton's equations is
also available. Scripts to plot network-theoretic quantities such as node
degree distribution and centrality can be written in Python, and the resulting
plots can be viewed in Vrui where Matplotlib is installed.

Mycelia acts as a graph visualization server via an XML-RPC interface. This
allows users to write programs that extend Mycelia in almost any language, or
offer transparent visualization within existing applications. For example,
bindings exist to automatically visualize NetworkX graphs by changing a single
variable in existing Python scripts. Current uses of this binding include
visualization of e-machine reconstruction, a statistical inference method for
creating optimal predictors from time series data.

mycelia requires:

On Ubuntu:
    libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-regex-dev libftgl-dev libxmlrpc-c3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev