
Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

csvtomd: markdown tables made easy

Version 0.1.1

Excel —> Markdown

Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables.

Tables Generator is a fantastic web tool for converting tabular data into all sorts of table layouts. I like how it lets me import CSV files, but I need the ability to convert many CSV files in batch for a docset on which I'm working.

I built csvtomd to convert one or more CSV files into nicely-padded Markdown tables. Now you can build your tables in Excel and convert them for use in GitHub, Bitbucket, or Mou Markdown files without having to construct them by hand.


This is a Python 3 script, so use pip3 to install:

pip3 install csvtomd

After this, run csvtomd --help from your terminal to verify it's installed properly.


csvtomd MY_SPREADSHEET.csv generates a Markdown table from MY_SPREADSHEET.csv.

csvtomd SHEET1.csv SHEET2.csv SHEET3.csv generates three Markdown tables from the input files and displays them alongside the input filename.

Example Input

File: thrones.csv

First Name,Last Name,Location,Allegiance
Mance,Rayder,North of the Wall,Wildlings
Margaery,Tyrell,The Reach,House Tyrell
Danerys,Targaryen,Meereen,House Targaryen
Tyrion,Lannister,King's Landing,House Lannister

Example Markdown Table

Command: csvtomd thrones.csv

First Name Last Name Location Allegiance
Mance Rayder North of the Wall Wildlings
Margaery Tyrell The Reach House Tyrell
Danerys Targaryen Meereen House Targaryen
Tyrion Lannister King's Landing House Lannister

Example Raw Output

Command: csvtomd thrones.csv

First Name  |  Last Name  |  Location           |  Allegiance
Mance       |  Rayder     |  North of the Wall  |  Wildlings
Margaery    |  Tyrell     |  The Reach          |  House Tyrell
Danerys     |  Targaryen  |  Meereen            |  House Targaryen
Tyrion      |  Lannister  |  King's Landing     |  House Lannister

Command: csvtomd --padding 0 thrones.csv

First Name|Last Name|Location         |Allegiance
Mance     |Rayder   |North of the Wall|Wildlings
Margaery  |Tyrell   |The Reach        |House Tyrell
Danerys   |Targaryen|Meereen          |House Targaryen
Tyrion    |Lannister|King's Landing   |House Lannister


Python 3.

Tested with Python 3.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.9.3.

Doesn't require any external packages, so it should be platform-agnostic.


Command: csvtomd --help

usage: csvtomd.py [-h] [-n] [-p PADDING] [-d DELIMITER] csv_file [csv_file ...]

Read one or more CSV files and output their contents in the form of Markdown

positional arguments:
  csv_file              One or more CSV files to be converted

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --no-filenames    Don't display filenames when outputting multiple
                        Markdown tables.
  -p PADDING, --padding PADDING
                        The number of spaces to add between table cells and
                        column dividers. Default is 2 spaces.
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        CSV delimiter, expected values: ',', ';'. Default is ,


Bug reports, fixes, or features? Feel free to open an issue or pull request any time. You can also tweet me at @mplewis or email me at matt@mplewis.com.


Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Lewis. Licensed under the MIT License.