As it's an Opauth extension for Nette framework, it requires
Update composer.json:
"require": {
"michalsvec/nette-opauth": "*"
and then
$ composer install
// add compiler extension
$configurator->onCompile[] = function (\Nette\Config\Configurator $config, \Nette\Config\Compiler $compiler) {
$compiler->addExtension('opauth', new NetteOpauth\DI\Extension());
// register routers
Check if routes are in proper order (auth routes before the commons). And update Auth presenter as shown in example.
Then you can use:
{if Nette\Config\Configurator::detectDebugMode()}
<a href="{plink Auth:callback, strategy => 'fake'}">Fake login</a><br/>
<a href="{plink Auth:google}">Sign-in with Google</a><br/>
<a href="{plink Auth:facebook}">Sign-in with Facebook</a><br/>
<a href="{plink Auth:twitter}">Sign-in with Twitter</a><br/>
path: '/auth/'
debug: false
callback_url: '{path}callback'
security_salt: '123abc456def'
callback_transport: 'session'
Strategy: [
Facebook: [
app_id: ''
app_secret: ''
Google: [
client_id: ''
client_secret: ''
Twitter: [
key: '',
secret: ''
- opauth need public callback url to proper redirect thus is impossible to use it at localhost (except the fake login).
- facebook
- registration of app
- google
- registration of app
- google ids are very long (more than unsigned int) be careful about that
- twitter
- registration of app
- do not provide email
- add more identities for various providers