Contains class for manipulation with files. It is simple wrapper over internal functions, but in pretty object form.
We suppose:
$files = new \Kedrigern\phpIO\Files();
Cat all *.txt files and after delete them:
$cat = function($file) {
echo "Filename: $file \n";
echo file_get_contents($file);
echo "\n";
Write "Some data" to all *.txt files and after move them to the directory archive. If files are not writable throw exception with description of problem (exact file, privileges etc.)
$fill = function($file) {
file_put_contents($file, "Some data.");
$files->dir('*.txt')->writeable()->call($fill)->move('archive', true);
Sum numbers from files (with num sufix):
$parseIntFromFile = function($file) {
return intval(file_get_contents($file));
$postSum = function($results) {
return array_sum($results);
$files->dir('*.num')->call($parseIntFromFile, $postSum, $log);
// now $log['post'] contains sum
composer install
vendor/bin/tester -c test/ test/